What Is An HOA Statement Of Receivables

An HOA statement of receivables, or accounts receivable statement, is a document that details the outstanding charges owed to the community association. This can be from sources such as overdue assessments, vendor credits, late fees, or any other outstanding source of income. It is essentially a list of every account that still owes the HOA money.


What Is an HOA Statement of Receivables?

accounts receivable written by hand in a note | hoa statement of receivablesThese statements should contain all accounts that owe money, along with the grand total of overdue funds. The total will help with budgeting purposes. Knowing how much money is available and if there is proper handling of collections can help with financial planning. The list of all overdue accounts can act as a checklist for anyone working in collections to ensure that no account is missed.

Some associations prefer to go one step further and detail which accounts are 30 days, 60 days, and over 90 days past due. For example, if a homeowner has missed their dues in March, April, and May; they will have money in the 30, 60, and 90-day categories. This way, collections agents will know to put more pressure on collecting the April dues versus following up on another account that is only 30 days behind. Just like with all financial statements, the more detail you provide, the easier it is to plan and manage.


How Often Should Receivable Statements Be Prepared

While the HOA statement of receivables should be prepared at the same frequency as all other financial statements, it is helpful for the accounts receivable statement to be released more frequently. There are even programs available to keep up with AR statements in real time and have them available on demand. This can be immensely helpful for collection purposes to make sure that everyone is on the same page.


Need More Information?

Financial management can be one of the toughest aspects of operating a successful HOA. If you are having trouble with reviewing financial documents such as the HOA Bank Statements, contact the professionals at CSM. We have years of experience working with homeowners associations from all over the United States. Using state-of-the-art technology, we can provide financial management assistance while still allowing association directors to remain independent.

If you have questions regarding any financial statements or are looking for advice, contact our experts at 865.315.7505 or email us at help@csmhoa.com. We look forward to working with you.