cloud computing for HOAs

There are several reasons to consider shifting to cloud computing for HOAs. The benefits of a cloud system, especially in comparison to a traditional system, are immense. Both homeowners associations and HOA management companies can streamline processes and improve efficiency significantly. By utilizing cloud computing, communities can step into modern management.


What is Cloud Computing for HOAs?

An HOA cloud system is software or program that operates and stores data in the cloud. It is different from desktop software, also known as an on-premises system, as it does not rely on a program or server in the same location as the organization. Desktop software needs to be installed physically on a computer. In comparison, a cloud system can be accessed through the web.

Cloud systems typically consist of a website or app. As such, associations can access their data and tools using a browser or application. Thanks to this setup, cloud systems are also mobile-friendly. Users can log into their community account using a tablet or smartphone.


The Benefits of Cloud Computing for HOAs

Cloud computing boasts many advantages for homeowners associations and HOA management companies. When an organization shifts to a cloud system, they can expect synchronization, automation, better communication, easy remote work, more transparency and accountability, and security. Cloud systems also require no special equipment, are easy to set up, and are cost-effective.


1. Synchronization

cloud computing for hoa management companyGiven how cloud computing for HOAs works, synchronization is a key benefit. Because data is stored remotely in the cloud, multiple users can use it simultaneously. They can enter information and update records, immediately reflecting new or edited data. One board member can submit a violation report from their home, and another can view the report immediately from another location.

In the past, synchronization was difficult to achieve. With a lack of cloud computing, board members had to fill out reports and file them physically. Desktop software eventually entered the fold, but there were still many steps in between. Board members had to upload the information using a device connected to a physical server, which meant they could not access or update data remotely.


2. Automation

Automation is another significant benefit of HOA cloud computing. Board members and managers can minimize the work involved in everyday operations. With a cloud system, associations can rely on automation to streamline workflows. There’s no more need for multiple stamps, forms, and signatures. Communities can eliminate all the red tape that typically comes with day-to-day tasks.


3. Better Communication

Sharing documents and communicating with fellow members are crucial parts of HOA management. Cloud computing can make both aspects easier. A cloud system will allow leaders and managers to always stay in touch with residents and staff members. They can share and edit documents, publish updates, and disseminate information with just a few clicks.


4. Remote Work Made Easy

One of the advantages of cloud computing for HOAs is that it allows for remote management. Board members can access the program from anywhere with an Internet connection, and the same goes for community managers.

Similarly, residents can log on to the network from the comfort of their own homes. They can download important documents, such as CC&Rs and bylaws, submit work requests, and file architectural reviews from one convenient place.


5. More Transparency and Accountability

Increased transparency and accountability are vital benefits of cloud-based accounting for HOAs. Cloud systems often use timestamps and audit trails, allowing board members to track actions easily. Board members can monitor approvals and generate reports with only a few clicks. With all these internal controls, board members and managers can quickly identify discrepancies and avoid financial mismanagement.


6. Secure

cloud-based accounting for HOAsRegarding cloud computing for HOAs, data security is a chief concern among communities. Because an association’s data is stored remotely in the cloud, there is a misconception that anyone can access and steal their information. However, the reverse is true.

On-premise software is less secure than cloud software. When a board member’s laptop gets stolen, the data on that laptop is lost forever. In comparison, with cloud software, even if a laptop gets stolen, the data is safe and secure in a cloud server. Plus, it is more difficult to hack into a cloud server.

Cyber security is a priority in today’s information age. Fortunately, most cloud systems use the latest encryption security to protect user data.


7. No Special Equipment Necessary

Desktop software tends to be high-maintenance because it requires certain system requirements. Moreover, board members will need to update their program every few years or so. Cloud systems don’t have the same stringent requirements. Developers can make remote updates across the board, while users can access the program from virtually any device.


8. Ease of Setup

Cloud systems require no physical installation. In contrast, on-premises software needs to be installed on the server and every device. Adding new users and accounts using cloud software is also easier because it updates in real time.


9. Cost-Effective

All of the above features and benefits add up to higher cost savings. Communities and companies can save time with automation and synchronization. There is no need to pay a premium for upgrades. Because cloud software does not require a system, associations also don’t have to buy new computers or laptops to meet the necessary specifications.


Cloud Computing for HOA Management Company

Cloud software can benefit both homeowners associations and HOA management companies. Self-managed associations, in particular, can rely on a cloud system for streamlined operations. Meanwhile, HOA management companies can use cloud software to manage numerous communities simultaneously.

Effective communication is a sore spot for many management companies, especially those that handle countless communities. The same applies to associations with many board members. A cloud-based system lets users communicate easily and quickly, even remotely. When someone falls ill or goes on vacation, communication won’t be a problem.


Modernize With Cloud Systems

Cloud computing offers countless advantages for HOAs. Board members and HOA management companies should consider shifting to cloud software. Modernization gives organizations a competitive edge, and keeping up with the times is crucial to success.

Clark Simson Miller uses the latest software to aid its remote management services. Call us today at 865.315.7505 or contact us online to learn more!